Friday, April 24, 2015


Hands have always been important to me. The top picture is a picture of my hand holding my mother's hand. This was taken less than an hour before she left us here on earth, and entered the presence of her Savior and Lord! All of my life, from childhood through adulthood, I loved holding my mom's hand. It was a comfort...a connection. The second hand picture is a beautiful, elderly woman from the Dominican Republic. On my latest trip there, I was attending a leadership meeting for local pastors, and when I sat down by this precious woman, she reached over and patted my hand. Instinctively, as I looked at this image (her hand on mine) I remembered my mother's hands. In spite of the language barrier, I once again felt that comfort...that connection. 

Every day you hear of violence and abuse that is brought about by the use of someone's hands. Sadly, this is a choice that every individual makes on their use their hands for evil or good.

In my younger years I would sometimes find myself quite irritated with other drivers as I would make my long commute to work every day. I may have used my hands at one time or another to "gesture" at some ridiculously obnoxious driver. When I moved back to Washington over 18 years ago, I decided that I would become a polite and patient driver. Even though I don't have that kind of commute, especially now in my "retirement" days, I still find myself on the road now and then. Last week was one of those weeks, as I made a couple of trips through rush hour. I determined that I was going to be patient and see if I could get a wave or two out of drivers that needed to merge, or wanted to move over into my lane. In those two days on the road, I received 6 waves! You know what? It felt really good. 

Jesus spent His years on this earth touching people...loving people...healing people; doing good with His hands. "And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them:" Mark 10:13a

As we go through our day, let's use our hands for good. Give someone you love a hug, or a pat on the back for a job well done. Try being a little more patient on your drive home, and see how many "waves" you get!

Enjoyed chatting!


Saturday, April 11, 2015


Happy Saturday, friends. I've already finished my morning cup of coffee...along with two fresh baked orange rolls. I made them this morning for our two granddaughters who spent the night with us. They both took advantage of their Saturday and slept in! No matter how old they are getting (15 & 8) there is something so precious about sleeping children!

When I got up this morning, the wind was blowing off the water, and it was hailing. Our driveway and yard were covered with white. However, as you can see from the picture above that I just snapped, it is now beautifully sunny out. I think a walk to the beach will be in order today.

As I was thinking about the drastic change in weather this morning, I couldn't help but think that sometimes life can bring drastic changes in just a moment of time. A long-time friend of mine recently went through a lung transplant. In just a phone call, her life has changed drastically...for the good. 

I have another friend who is getting ready to move across the state. Even though it's been a long time in the planning...suddenly the time is "now." Changes, whether good or bad, can come with a bit of anxiety. That becomes the time when our faith rises. 

Isn't it good to know that there is one thing that never changes? That is the faithfulness of our heavenly Father. He is constant...always has been...always will be, and He will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). A few verses later He reminds us that "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever." Hebrews 13:8

John 10:10 reminds us that Jesus came to give us life the full! So, no matter what changes may be taking place around you, HE IS THE SAME!

Have a blessed day.


Friday, March 20, 2015

Good morning, friends. It has been a while since we've chatted. I am enjoying sunny California for a couple of weeks with my daughter, son-in-law and three of my most amazing grandchildren (high school, middle school and elementary age). 

My son-in-law is a busy pastor and my daughter had surgery this week, so one of my jobs has been the family chauffeur. Part of that responsibility included the "pick up" of my elementary-aged granddaughter. I have to admit, it was a bit stressful. Make sure you go into the proper entrance...then leave through the appropriate exit...make sure you pull up in the far left lane, 'cause she doesn't like to walk between cars... 

Of course, this has brought back memories of long ago days when I was doing this for my own three children. It seems like yesterday. Which brings me to the ever so popular topic of "seasons" in our lives. 

May I just remind you this morning to enjoy yours...whatever it is. Are you still single? Enjoy your freedom!! Are you a newlywed? Welcome to the greatest adjustment you will probably ever make in your life!! Have you welcomed your first little one into your home recently? Trust me, some day you will sleep again!
Are your children entering the pre-teen/teen years? Let the games begin! Maybe you are an empty nester. You still have a calling and a purpose, and you are, once again, in a place to find your own identity, instead of, "I'm _____'s mom. 

Whatever the season is, embrace it, and walk closely with the Lord through it. "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:" Ecclesiastes 3:1 

Have a great day. I think I'm going to bake some chocolate chip cookies... continue my "nursing career" caring for my daughter...then attempt the "pick up" again...and maybe a stop at Starbucks on the way home!


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Good morning, friends. Last evening we had the privilege of entertaining Heidi in our beach cottage. Heidi works for Food for the Hungry, the wonderful organization that we worked through, and how I was able to make three short-term mission trips to the amazing Dominican Republic. The children there are priceless, and I have left a piece of my heart there every time I have gone and then returned home. I had met Heidi shortly after my first trip there, and she has become a wonderful life-long friend. 

As I mentioned initially in my "bio" I have been blessed with so many amazing friends in my life, and God is continually bringing more across my pathway...almost on a daily basis. I have never been one that can do life alone. Friends are a necessary part of my life. At times like this I love to look back over the years...thinking about circumstances in my life that may have had a slightly negative slant...but then I remember the friends I made during that season. And the truth is...I wouldn't change a thing. When God says He makes all things work together for our good, He means it.

Proverbs 18:24b says, "There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." As great as it is to be surrounded by my earthly friends, what a privilege it is to be able to call Jesus my friend. You have probably picked up by now that one of my most enjoyable activities is chatting with a friend over coffee. Even more important, however, is to enjoy that same activity with Jesus, my friend. He loves to listen to me as I spend time with Him and share the things that are on my heart. And it is equally as important that I listen to Him as He directs my path. 

The sun is shining beautifully here in the Pacific NW, and I have a busy day ahead of me. Praying you will be blessed today...and don't forget to spend some time with your friend...the one that sticks closer than a brother.


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Good morning, friends. I've gone through my first cup of coffee here at home, and will probably grab my second on my way to an appointment this morning.

Last week we celebrated Valentine's Day (and my husband's birthday) with a family dinner. As usual, there were little gifts sitting around the table at our designated spots that we had given to one another. Both of my granddaughters had received these heart-shaped boxes of candy. A few days later I discovered this box tucked away in a book shelf. Opening it, I discovered these pieces of chocolate...half eaten. My suspicion is Tatum, our 8-year old granddaughter and avid candy lover. For years now her mother has found candy wrappers tucked in various and sundry places in her room. They really try to limit her intake...but parents can only do so much...right?

Of course, as a grandmother, I find it amusing. I began to think of the child mindset behind this. She was wanting a variety of taste, and she got it. It made me think of the verse found in Psalm 34:8, "O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him."  We've chatted before about "life happening." Isn't it good to know that the unfailing truth is that GOD IS GOOD!!

When everything around us may be in an uproar and unsettling things seem to happen over and over, we need to remember..."the goodness of God endureth continuously." (Psalm 52:1b)

The sun is shining brightly (which in the Pacific Northwest is a reason to celebrate). The view here from my little cottage is breathtaking, and I'm going to head out and enjoy it. Have a blessed day.


Friday, February 20, 2015

Good morning, friends. I've just made myself my second cup of coffee...and I added some delicious flavored cream...Dulce de Leche...not normal for me. Typically I don't like "sweet" coffee...but it's just been that kind of week.

Earlier in the week I received news that a very close friend of mine suffered a brain aneurysm, resulting in surgery. Her prognosis is good...stable...but what an unsettling time it has been for her family and everyone that loves her. I know for a fact that what has kept them this week is their unfailing trust in their heavenly Father. They have built their life's foundation on just that...TRUST...and it has been there...automatically...through it all.

The dictionary definition of trust is:  "assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something". Aren't you thankful for the "someone" we can hold on to? Our Father who loves us unconditionally and never leaves us or forsakes us. When our enemy is attempting to steal, kill and destroy, He is there to bring us abundant life!

Last Sunday Pastor Kris brought such a good and timely Word to us out of Psalm 84. In verse 12 (Amplified) it says, "O Lord of hosts, blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who trusts in You [leaning and believing on You, committing all and confidently looking to You, and that without fear or misgiving]!"

As life comes your way (and it will, like it or not) we need to remember the importance of complete trust in God. I love the way the amplified talks about "leaning" on Him. So when those times come, just picture yourself leaning in to Him...feeling His arms around you...such a safe and secure place to be. And don't forget that true trust means you will have no fear or misgiving.

It's been great chatting...let's do it again soon.


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Good morning, friends. Grab your coffee if you'd like while I share a couple of thoughts with you. The book you see above was one of my Christmas was from two of my granddaughters, Aspen and Tatum. It's "The Story of me and my Grandma." It is full of pictures and things they know and remember about me: 1) My favorite TV show is Judge Judy; 2) At Grandma's house you'll always find...Books to Read, Craft Projects, Leftovers... 3) Grandma's Pet Peeves are: Drumming on the table, Biting nails, Popping knuckles.

It is, by far, one of my all-time favorite gifts, because it so clearly describes the fact that my grandchildren know me! I grew up with no grandparents, so having the privilege of being a grandma and knowing my grandchildren means so much to me. 

As important as our earthly relationships are, our relationship with our heavenly Father is so much more important. In Philippians 3:10a it says, "That I may know him and the power of his resurrection..." We need to not only know Him, but it is equally as important to know who we are in Him." We are the righteousness of Christ Jesus.

Proverbs 4:7 says, "Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding." There is a distinct difference in having "wisdom" and having "understanding." Knowing your heavenly Father comes by spending time and communicating with Him. That is so important for us to do, but it is equally as important to do something with our knowledge. That something is simply leading a Christ-centered life. Remember the "WWJD (What Would Jesus Do)" bracelets that were so popular? Jesus came to love people reach out to the help those in be open every moment of every day to be His hand extended to whomever He brings across your path.

So let's take our wisdom AND our understanding, and just see what opportunities God opens up for us in these next few days. I'm excited about it...aren't you?!?!?

Thanks for chatting.
